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With Category metadata feeds, you can input one or more (leaf) Category ID/Channel ID pairs, and required, preferred, and optional item specific name/value pairs will be returned in the response file. See About classification feeds for information on obtaining suggested listing categories and their unique IDs.

The Category metadata feed has a request file and a response file. In the request file, the seller provides one or more Channel ID/Category ID pairs. The generated response file will include all required, recommended/preferred, and optional Item Specifics name-value pairs for each Channel ID/Category ID combination.


  • Category metadata feeds must contain all of the elements listed as required in the Category metadata feed definitions table.
  • Feed files are limited to uploading 10,000 records per day, which is the sum of all records uploaded in the 24-hour period starting at midnight, 00:00:00 PST (PST = GMT - 8 hours). Before uploading a file, remove duplicate records. A duplicate record shares the same the unique column combination for the feed file. For Category metadata feeds, make sure each record has a unique Category ID and Channel ID.

How to create a Category metadata feed

To create a Category metadata feed, perform the steps below.

Using the MIP GUI

The following procedure assumes that you are already signed in to MIP.

  1. Click Metadata > Category metadata link to open the Category metadata feed page.
  2. Click Upload and browse to the Category metadata feed file that you want to use.
  3. Click the file name to upload the file to MIP.
  4. In a few seconds (if processed successfully), the response file will be available for download on the Category metadata feed page.
  5. Click Download link to open the Category metadata feed response file.
  6. Based on required, preferred, and optional item specifics, you can update your Product feed with those item specific name-value pairs.

Using the MIP file server to obtain item specifics

  1. On the MIP SFTP file server, copy your Category metadata feed file into the Category metadata feed folder.
  2. After a few minutes, open the Category metadata feed folder, and then open the output folder. A time-stamped subfolder contains a file with a name that consists of the input file name and the timestamp.
  3. Download and open the file.
  4. Based on required, preferred, and optional item specifics, you can update your Product feed with those item specific name-value pairs.

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