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An Availability feed is used to provide total "ship-to-home" quantity or quantity available at a specific seller location (warehouse or store). This feed type can also be used for large merchants enabled to sell through eBay's 'Buy online, pick up in store' (BOPIS) or 'Click and Collect' programs.

Sample feed files:

Important! When using product combined feeds, always include the product feed that contains the product information. Do not submit product combined feeds with distribution and/or availability information only. This may erase all previously submitted product information. See Using product combined feeds for more information.

Note: If a seller only wants to provide "ship-to-home" quantity, the availability.csv or availability.xml files should be used (using the two fields SKU and Total Ship to Home Quantity). BOPIS and 'Click and Collect' sellers, or sellers who want to upload location-specific quantity, must use the availability-bopis.csv or availability-bopis.xml files.

Availability feeds

The following table describes the fields available in the Availability feed request file, and how they are used.

Note: The fields in the table below are ordered according to their order in the CSV feed file. The parent is provided for XML fields in order to make it easier to locate that field in the XML feed file. The availability.csv or availability.xml files only have SKU and Total Ship to Home Quantity fields; the availability-bopis.csv or availability-bopis.xml files have all fields shown in the table.

Field name





Required. The product's Stock Keeping Unit value, defined by the seller to identify the product. This value must be unique across the seller's inventory on each eBay marketplace.

Type: string

Max length: 50


Total Ship to Home Quantity


Conditionally Required. This integer value indicates the total quantity of items available to ship, and not tied to a specific location.

Type: integer

Either a total "ship-to-home" quantity value, a quantity value for one or more specific locations, or both types of quantity must be supplied in an Availability feed request file.

The total location-specific quantity for a SKU should not be greater than the total "ship-to-home" quantity value.



Required for In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect; optional otherwise. The seller-defined unique identifier for a warehouse or store location that has quantity available for the SKU. See Location feed definitions for more information about setting an inventory location.

Type: string

Max length: 32

If a seller is only providing Total Ship to Home Quantity for the SKU, this field does not need to be in the CSV or XML file.



Required for In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect; optional otherwise. Sets the fulfillment type for the SKU. Suppoorted values are SHIP_TO_HOME and PICKUP_IN_STORE (this value only available to In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect sellers). If the PICKUP_IN_STORE value is used, the seller must also set the Pickup In Store Eligible field to "true' in field in the Distribution feed (see Distribution feed definitions).

Type: string

If a seller is only providing Total Ship to Home Quantity for the SKU, this field does not need to be in the CSV or XML file.



Conditionally Required. The total quantity of items available from the location specified through the Location ID field. In accordance with the Fulfillment Type value, this quantity might be "ship-to-home" quantity, or quantity available at an In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect seller's store location.

Type: integer

Either a total "ship-to-home" quantity value, a quantity value for one or more specific locations, or both types of quantity must be supplied in an Availability feed request file.

The total location-specific quantity for a SKU should not be greater than the total "ship-to-home" quantity value.

If a seller is only providing Total Ship to Home Quantity for the SKU, this field does not need to be in the CSV or XML file.



Required for In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect; not applicable otherwise. This field is used to provide more information about the SKU's availability at the store location. Supported values include the following:

  • IN_STOCK: this is the most common value, and should be the value is the corresponding Quantity field is greater than 0.
  • OUT_OF_STOCK: this value is used if the store location is currently out-of-stock for the SKU.
  • SHIP_TO_STORE: this value is used if the store location is currently out-of-stock for the SKU, but quantity is being shipped to that store location.

Type: string

If a seller is only providing Total Ship to Home Quantity for the SKU, this field does not need to be in the CSV or XML file.



Optional. This integer value indicates the number of hours after payment that the item will be available for pickup at the store location. This field is only applicable for PICKUP_IN_STORE fulfillment type. If this field is not included in the call payload, eBay will use the default fulfillment time contained in the merchant's profile.

Type: string

If a seller is only providing Total Ship to Home Quantity for the SKU, this field does not need to be in the CSV or XML file.

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