The Shopping API makes it easy for users to search for things on eBay. It has been optimized to make it easier to retrieve live eBay data, embed it in a web page or app, and make affiliate commissions. Developers can use the Shopping API to take the search off eBay and put it on their own site, or in their own application.

Note: Developers using Shopping API calls must authenticate with an OAuth application access token in the HTTP header X-EBAY-API-IAF-TOKEN and use OAuth application access tokens with a scope that includes See the client credentials grant flow topic for more information on generating and managing OAuth application access tokens. See the Specifying OAuth scopes topic for more information on OAuth scopes.

If you've never used eBay APIs, you might want to start with the Get started with eBay APIs guide.

For additional information on the Shopping API endpoint, HTTP headers, and URL parameters, see the Making a Call topic.