An item's condition is one of the top factors buyers consider when deciding whether to purchase an item. When you create your listing, help your buyers understand exactly what they will be receiving by specifying its condition. Listings that specify the item's condition provide useful information and as a result, may be more likely to sell.

An item's condition appears just below the listing title in the View Item page. When buyers search for items, they often use eBay's Advanced Search options to narrow their search based on the item's condition. In these cases, your listing will appear in search results only if you specified the condition by using one of eBay's structured methods (not in the text of your listing description).

For additional information about item conditions, refer to:


When listing an item, most categories require that a Item.ConditionID be included. eBay defines a list of well-understood conditions, such as "New", "Used", and other values. Each condition corresponds to a numeric ID (e.g., 1000 for "New,") so that even if the display name varies across categories or marketplaces, you can use the same IDs in AddItem and related calls.

To determine the appropriate condition ID to use in a listing:

  1. Use GetCategoryFeatures to determine whether item conditions are required or enabled for the category and what item condition values are supported for the category.

    To retrieve this information, include one FeatureID field that is set to a value of ConditionEnabled and a second FeatureID field set to a value of ConditionValues.

  2. In the FeatureID response, locate the Category.ConditionEnabled field to determine if an item condition is enabled (or required) for the category.
  3. Review the list of valid condition IDs in the Category.ConditionValues array. Each item condition has a numeric ID and also a human-readable display name, such as "New" or "Seller refurbished".
  4. After choosing the most accurate condition ID from GetCategoryFeatures, specify the numeric ID value for the condition in the Item.ConditionID field of the AddItem (or related) call.
  5. If the item is not new, consider also adding the Item.ConditionDescription field to describe any wear and tear and/or defects with the item.

Please note the following if a Item.ConditionID value is passed in that is not valid for a category:

For additional information about ConditionIds, refer to the ConditionIds topic.

Argument: Item.ConditionID


The Item.ConditionDescription field is optional and available for use within all categories, including those categories where the condition type is not applicable (e.g., Antiques).

This field is applicable for all item conditions except New, Brand New, New with tags, and New in box.

Argument: Item.ConditionDescription

Note: Although Item.ConditionDescription is optional, it is strongly recommended that it be used when describing used items rather than describing the item's condition in Item.Description.

Maximum Length: 1000 characters