Use SetUserPreferences to set the user preferences. For more information about this call, refer to the SetUserPreferences reference documentation.

Each preference container has properties. The following table contains examples of some of the properties:

Field Type Purpose
CombinedPaymentOption CombinedPaymentOptionCodeType Specifies whether the seller accepts Combined Invoice orders for multiple items, and whether a discount is provided up front or later.
DispatchCutoffTimePreference DispatchCutoffTimePreferencesType The lone field in this container, CutoffTime, sets the seller's default order "cut off time," which is the time that a buyer must make payment on an item in order for that item to qualify for same-day shipping.
UPSRateOption UPSRateOptionCodeType Specifies whether to use the daily rates or the on-demand rates for UPS.
USPSRateOption USPSRateOptionCodeType Specifies whether to use the discounted or retail rates for USPS.
UnpaidItemAssistancePreferences UnpaidItemAssistancePreferencesType The fields in this container are used to set/ modify the seller's Unpaid Item preferences.

For more information about this call, refer to the SetUserPreferences reference documentation.