eBay Trading APIVersion 1379


Contains various details about the current status of a listing. These values are computed by eBay and cannot be specified at listing time.

Types that use SellingStatusType:

Calls that use SellingStatusType:


AdminEnded ( boolean ) [0..1]
If included in the response as true, indicates that the listing was administratively canceled due to a violation of eBay's listing policies and that the item can be relisted using RelistItem.

Note: GetItem returns an error (invalid item ID) in the response if Item.SellingStatus.AdminEnded = true and the requesting user is not the seller of the item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use AdminEnded.

BidCount ( int ) [0..1]
Number of bids placed so far against the auction item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use BidCount.

BidderCount ( long ) [0..1]
Number of bidders for an item. Only applicable to auction listings. Only returned for the seller of the item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use BidderCount.

BidIncrement ( AmountType (double) ) [0..1]
The minimum amount a progressive bid must be above the current high bid to be accepted. This field is only applicable to auction listings. The value of this field will always be '0.00' for Classified Ad and fixed-price listings.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use BidIncrement.

ConvertedCurrentPrice ( AmountType (double) ) [0..1]
Converted value of the CurrentPrice in the currency of the site that returned this response. For active items, refresh the listing's data every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates. Only returned when the item's CurrentPrice on the listing site is in different currency than the currency of the host site for the user/application making the API call. ConvertedCurrentPrice is not returned for Classified listings (Classified listings are not available on all sites).

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ConvertedCurrentPrice.

CurrentPrice ( AmountType (double) ) [0..1]
The current price of the item in the original listing currency.

For auction listings, this price is the starting minimum price (if the listing has no bids) or the current highest bid (if bids have been placed) for the item. This does not reflect the BuyItNow price.

For fixed-price and ad format listings, this is the current listing price.

In multi-variation, fixed-price listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use CurrentPrice.

FinalValueFee ( AmountType (double) ) [0..1]
A seller is changed a Final Value Fee (FVF) when the item is sold, ends with a winning bid, or is purchased. This fee applies whether or not the sale is completed with the buyer and is generated before the buyer makes a payment.

The FVF is calculated using a percentage. This percentage is based on whether the seller has a Store subscription or not. If a seller does have a Store subscription, the FVF is calculated based on the level of that plan. For complete information about selling fees and eBay Store subscription plans, see the Fee Center Home Page.

The Final Value Fee for each order line item is returned by GetSellerTransactions, GetItemTransactions, and GetOrders, regardless of the checkout status.

If a seller requests a Final Value Fee credit, the value of Transaction.FinalValueFee will not change if a credit is issued. The credit only appears in the seller's account data.

See the Selling fees help page for more information about how Final Value Fees are calculated.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use FinalValueFee.

HighBidder ( UserType ) [0..1]
For ended auction listings that have a winning bidder, this field is a container for the high bidder's user ID. For ended, single-item, fixed-price listings, this field is a container for the user ID of the purchaser. This field isn't returned for auctions with no bids, or for active fixed-price listings.

In the case of PlaceOffer, for auction listings, this field is a container for the high bidder's user ID. In the PlaceOffer response, the following applies: For multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings, the high bidder is only returned if there is just one order line item (or only for the first order line item that is created).
See the Field Index to learn which calls use HighBidder.

LeadCount ( int ) [0..1]
Applicable to Ad type listings only. Indicates how many leads to potential buyers are associated with this item. Returns 0 (zero) for listings in other formats. You must be the seller of the item to retrieve the lead count.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use LeadCount.

ListingOnHold ( boolean ) [0..1]
Indicates if a listing is on hold due to an eBay policy violation.

If a listing is put on hold, users are unable to view the listing details, the listing is hidden from search, and all attempted purchases, offers, and bids for the listing are blocked. eBay, however, gives sellers the opportunity to address violations and get listings fully reinstated. A listing will be ended if a seller does not address a violation, or if the violation can not be rectified.

If a listing is fixable, the seller should be able to view the listing details and this boolean will be returned as true.

Once a listing is fixed, this boolean will no longer be returned.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ListingOnHold.

ListingStatus ( ListingStatusCodeType ) [0..1]
Specifies an active or ended listing's status in eBay's processing workflow.
  • If a listing ends with a sale (or sales), eBay needs to update the sale details (e.g., total price and buyer/high bidder) and the transaction fees. This processing can take several minutes.
  • If you retrieve a sold item and no details about the buyer/high bidder are returned or no transaction fees are available, use this listing status information to determine whether eBay has finished processing the listing.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ListingStatus.

MinimumToBid ( AmountType (double) ) [0..1]
Smallest amount the next bid on the item can be. Returns same value as Item.StartPrice (if no bids have yet been placed) or CurrentPrice plus BidIncrement (if at least one bid has been placed). Only applicable to auction listings. Returns null for fixed-price and Ad type listings.

In multi-variation listings, this value matches the lowest-priced variation that is still available for sale.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use MinimumToBid.

PromotionalSaleDetails ( PromotionalSaleDetailsType ) [0..1]
If a seller has reduced the price of a listed item with the Promotional Price Display feature, this field contains the original price of the discounted item, along with the start-time and end-time of the discount.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use PromotionalSaleDetails.

QuantitySold ( int ) [0..1]
The total number of items purchased so far (in the listing's lifetime). Subtract this from Quantity to determine the quantity available.

If the listing has Item Variations, then in GetItem (and related calls) and GetItemTransactions, Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the sum of all quantities sold across all variations in the listing, and Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold for that variation.

In GetSellerTransactions, Transaction.Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold contains the number of items sold in that order line item.

For order line item calls, also see Transaction.QuantityPurchased for the number of items purchased in the order line item.
In multi-variation listings, this value matches total quantity sold across all variations.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use QuantitySold.

QuantitySoldByPickupInStore ( int ) [0..1]
Indicates the total quantity of items sold and picked up by buyers using the In-Store Pickup option. This value is the total number of items purchased by one or more buyers using the In-Store Pickup option, and is not the total number of In-Store Pickup orders. So, if two buyers selected the In-Store Pickup option, but each of these buyers bought a quantity of five of these items (in same purchase), the Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySoldByPickupInStore value would be '10' and not '2'.

In the case of multi-variation, fixed-price listings, each Item.Variations.Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySoldByPickupInStore value indicates the total quantity of that corresponding item variation (for example, large blue shirts) sold and picked up by buyers using the In-Store Pickup option, and the Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySoldByPickupInStore value would be the total quantity of all item variations sold for the listing.

This field is returned only if the listing is eligible for In-Store Pickup (EligibleForPickupInStore is returned as true).

Note: At this time, the In-Store Pickup feature is generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multi-quantity, fixed-price listings.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use QuantitySoldByPickupInStore.

ReserveMet ( boolean ) [0..1]
Indicates whether the reserve price has been met for the listing. Returns true if the reserve price was met or no reserve price was specified.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use ReserveMet.

SecondChanceEligible ( boolean ) [0..1]
Part of the Second Chance Offer feature, indicates whether the seller can extend a second chance offer for the item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use SecondChanceEligible.

SoldAsBin ( boolean ) [0..1]
If this flag appears in the GetItem response, the auction has ended due to the item being sold to a seller using the Buy It Now option. This flag is not relevant for fixed-priced listings.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use SoldAsBin.

SuggestedBidValues ( SuggestedBidValueType ) [0..1]
This container is only returned if the buyer is attempting to bid on an auction item. To bid on an auction item, the buyer sets the value of the Offer.Action field to Bid, and sets the maximum bid amount in the Offer.MaxBid field.

The SuggestedBidValues container consists of an array of incremental bid values (up to the dollar value in the Offer.MaxBid field) that eBay will bid on behalf of the buyer each time that buyer is outbid for the auction item.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use SuggestedBidValues.