eBay Trading APIVersion 1379

Buyer/Seller Communication Call Index

This Call Reference describes the elements and attributes for each Buyer/Seller Communication call below.

The details in this Call Reference apply if you are developing applications with the Trading WSDL or Trading Schema (XSD) file, or if you are using one of the eBay SDKs. If you are using an SDK, note that there can be differences between the calls outlined in this reference and the calls in the SDK. For details, see eBay SDKs.

For the original alphabetical Call Index page, go here.

eBay Messaging Calls | Item Feedback Calls |

Call Summary Samples

eBay Messaging Calls

AddMemberMessageAAQToPartner Enables a buyer and seller in an order relationship to send messages to each other's My Messages Inboxes. view
AddMemberMessageRTQ Enables a seller to reply to a question about an active item listing. view
AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidder Enables a seller to send up to 10 messages to bidders, or to users who have made offers via Best Offer, regarding an active item listing. view
GetMyMessages Retrieves information about the messages sent to a user. view
GetMemberMessages Retrieves a list of the messages buyers have posted about your active item listings. view
GetMessagePreferences Returns a seller's Ask Seller a Question (ASQ) subjects, each in its own Subject node. view
GetUserContactDetails Returns contact information for a specified user, given that a bidding relationship (as either a buyer or seller) exists between the caller and the user. view
SetMessagePreferences Enables a seller to add custom Ask Seller a Question (ASQ) subjects to their Ask a Question page, or to reset any custom subjects to their default values. view
ReviseMyMessages Sets the read state for messages, sets the flagged state of messages, and moves messages into and out of folders. view
ReviseMyMessagesFolders Renames, removes, or restores the specified My Messages folders for a given user. view
DeleteMyMessages Removes selected messages for a given user. view

Item Feedback Calls

GetFeedback Retrieves the accumulated feedback left for a specified user or the summary feedback data for a specific order line item or item listing. Also for Half.com. view
GetItemsAwaitingFeedback Returns orders in which the user was involved and for which feedback is still needed from either the buyer or seller. view
LeaveFeedback Enables a buyer and seller to leave feedback for their order partner at the conclusion of a successful order. view
RespondToFeedback Used to reply to feedback that has been left for a user, or to post a follow-up comment to a feedback comment the user has left for someone else. view