eBay Trading APIVersion 1367


Type defining the Pictogram container used at the listing level to provide pictograms for the listing.

Type that uses PictogramsType:

Calls that use PictogramsType:


Pictogram ( string ) [0..4]
This field sets the pictogram code(s) for Hazard Pictogram(s) for the listing. If your product contains hazardous substances or mixtures, please select the values corresponding to the hazard pictograms that are stated on your product's Safety Data Sheet. The selected hazard information will be displayed on your listing. The seller specifies the identifier of each pictogram in this field. A separate Pictogram field is required for each Hazard pictogram. Note: Use the getHazardousMaterialsLabels method in the Metadata API to find supported values for a specific marketplace/site. For sample values, see Pictogram sample values.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Pictogram.