eBay Trading APIVersion 1367


Type defining the EnergyEfficiencyLabel, Hazmat, and RepairScore regulatory containers that are used at the listing level to provide Energy Efficiency Label information, hazardous material related information, and the repair score.

Type that uses RegulatoryType:

Calls that use RegulatoryType:


EconomicOperator ( EconomicOperatorType ) [0..1]
This container provides Economic Operator (EO) information about the manufacturer and/or supplier of the item. The EO is a corporate entity that is related to, has some responsibility for, the product being listed for sale. For additional information, see What is an economic operator?.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use EconomicOperator.

EnergyEfficiencyLabel ( EnergyEfficiencyType ) [0..1]
This container provides information about the energy efficiency for certain durable goods.
Note: As a part of Digital Services Act (DSA) requirements, all sellers who list products in Germany (DE) must provide Energy Efficiency Label information and Product Information Sheets for listings for certain durable goods.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use EnergyEfficiencyLabel.

Hazmat ( HazmatType ) [0..1]
This container is used by the seller to provide hazardous material information for the listing. Three elements are required to complete the Hazmat section of a listing: Pictograms, SignalWord, and Statements. The fourth element, Component, is optional. For more information, see Specifying hazardous material related information.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use Hazmat.

RepairScore ( double ) [0..1]
This field represents the repair index for the listing.

The repair index identifies the manufacturer's repair score for a product (how easy is it to repair the product). This field is a floating point value between 0 and 10 but may only have one digit beyond the decimal point, for example: 7.9
Note: 0 should not be used as a default value, as it implies that the product is not repairable.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use RepairScore.