eBay Post-Order APIVersion 2.7.7

Call Index

This API Reference describes the elements and attributes for each call in the Post-Order API.

For details on the Post-Order API call flows, please see the Features Guide section Resolving Order Issues.

Call Summary Samples
  Approve Cancellation
POST /post-order/v2/cancellation/{cancelId}/approve
Seller approves a cancellation request view
  Check Cancellation Eligibility
POST /post-order/v2/cancellation/check_eligibility
Verify if an order is eligible to be cancelled view
  Confirm Cancellation Refund
POST /post-order/v2/cancellation/{cancelId}/confirm
Buyer confirms the refund from a cancelled order was received view
  Create Cancellation Request
POST /post-order/v2/cancellation
Request or perform an order cancellation view
  Get Cancellation
GET /post-order/v2/cancellation/{cancelId}
Retrieve the details of an order cancellation request view
  Reject Cancellation
POST /post-order/v2/cancellation/{cancelId}/reject
Seller rejects a cancellation request view
  Search Cancellations
GET /post-order/v2/cancellation/search
Search for cancellations view
  Appeal Case Decision
POST /post-order/v2/casemanagement/{caseId}/appeal
Buyer or seller appeals a case decision view
  Close Case
POST /post-order/v2/casemanagement/{caseId}/close
Buyer closes a case view
  Get Case
GET /post-order/v2/casemanagement/{caseId}
Retrieve the details related to a specific case view
  Issue Case Refund
POST /post-order/v2/casemanagement/{caseId}/issue_refund
Seller issues a refund for a case view
  Provide Case Shipment Info
POST /post-order/v2/casemanagement/{caseId}/provide_shipment_info
Provides shipment tracking information for an item that is involved in case.. view
  Provides Return Address
POST /post-order/v2/casemanagement/{caseId}/provide_return_address
Seller provides a return address to the buyer view
  Search Cases
GET /post-order/v2/casemanagement/search
This method is used to search for cases using multiple filter types. view
  Check Inquiry Eligibility
POST /post-order/v2/inquiry/check_eligibility
Check if a buyer is eligible to open an inquiry on an order line item view
  Close Inquiry
POST /post-order/v2/inquiry/{inquiryId}/close
Close an inquiry for the buyer view
  Confirm Inquiry Refund
POST /post-order/v2/inquiry/{inquiryId}/confirm_refund
Buyer confirms the refund was received for an order line item that was part of an INR inquiry view
  Create Inquiry
POST /post-order/v2/inquiry
Create an inquiry for the buyer view
  Escalate Inquiry
POST /post-order/v2/inquiry/{inquiryId}/escalate
Escalate an inquiry to an INR case view
  Get Inquiry
GET /post-order/v2/inquiry/{inquiryId}
Retrieve the history and details related to a specific inquiry view
  Issue Inquiry Refund
POST /post-order/v2/inquiry/{inquiryId}/issue_refund
Issue a refund for a line item that is part of an INR inquiry view
  Provide Inquiry Refund Info
POST /post-order/v2/inquiry/{inquiryId}/provide_refund_info
Provide refund information about an inquiry to the buyer view
  Provide Inquiry Shipment Info
POST /post-order/v2/inquiry/{inquiryId}/provide_shipment_info
Provide shipment information for an inquiry view
  Search Inquiries
GET /post-order/v2/inquiry/search
This method is used to search for inquiries using multiple filter types view
  Send Inquiry Message
POST /post-order/v2/inquiry/{inquiryId}/send_message
Contact the buyer or seller about an inquiry view
  Add Shipping Label Info
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/add_shipping_label
Create or update a return shipping label provided by the seller view
  Cancel Return Request
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/cancel
Cancel a return request view
  Check Return Eligibility
POST /post-order/v2/return/check_eligibility
Check to see if an item is eligible for a return view
  Check Shipping Label Print Eligibility
GET /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/check_label_print_eligibility
Validate the eligibility of a return shipping label view
  Create Return Draft
POST /post-order/v2/return/draft
Create a return request draft view
  Create Return Request
POST /post-order/v2/return
Request a return for an item view
  Delete Return Request Draft File
DELETE /post-order/v2/return/draft/{draftId}/file/{fileId}
Delete a file associated with a return request draft view
  Escalate Return
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/escalate
Escalate a return request into a case view
  Get Return
GET /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}
Retrieve the details of a specific return request view
  Get Return Draft
GET /post-order/v2/return/draft/{draftId}
Retrieve a return request draft view
  Get Return Estimate
POST /post-order/v2/return/estimate
This method is used on behalf of a buyer to retrieve the estimated refund amount and return shipping costs associated with returning an item. view
  Get Return Files
GET /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/files
Retrieve the files associated with a return request view
  Get Return Preferences
GET /post-order/v2/return/preference
Retrieve seller's return preferences view
  Get Return Request Draft Files
GET /post-order/v2/return/draft/{draftId}/files
Retrieve the files associated with a return request draft view
  Get Return Shipping Label
GET /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/get_shipping_label
Retrieve the data for a return shipping label view
  Get Shipment Tracking Info
GET /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/tracking
Retrieve shipment tracking activity for a return item view
  Initiate Return Shipping Label
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/initiate_shipping_label
Initiate an eBay return shipping label view
  Issue Return Refund
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/issue_refund
Issue a refund for a returned item view
  Mark Return Received
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/mark_as_received
Mark a return item or replacemen item as received view
  Mark Return Refund Received
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/mark_refund_received
Mark a refund as received view
  Mark Return Refund Sent
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/mark_refund_sent
Notify the buyer that a refund has been issued view
  Mark Return Shipped
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/mark_as_shipped
Mark a return item as shipped view
  Process Return Request
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/decide
Seller or buyer perform an action against a return request view
  Search Returns
GET /post-order/v2/return/search
Search for return requests based on filter criteria view
  Send Return Message
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/send_message
Send a message to order partner regarding a return request view
  Send Return Shipping Label
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/send_shipping_label
Send a shipping label to an email address view
  Set Return Preferences
POST /post-order/v2/return/preference
Set seller's return preferences view
  Submit Return File
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/file/submit
Activate the files associated with a return request view
  Update Return Draft
PUT /post-order/v2/return/draft/{draftId}
Update an existing return request draft view
  Update Shipment Tracking Info
PUT /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/update_tracking
Update shipment tracking information for a return item view
  Upload Return File
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/file/upload
Upload the files relating to a return request view
  Upload Return Request Draft File
POST /post-order/v2/return/draft/{draftId}/file/upload
Upload the files relating to a return request draft view
  Void Shipping Label
POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/void_shipping_label
Void a shipping label view